An account of several late voyages and discoveries

4 ~ Tbe Setond p<1rt of the Poyage Sails firike, for elfe it might eafily rnn againft an lce-ñeJd. Every Ship's mafier is left ro hli free will, whether he wil) fail into the Ice te. caufe in the Spring the Tf 1 hale1 are in gm numbers fcen there in the Weft Ice, as they·cJ ir. TheMafiers do not willingly fail in amon~ the l (e, whtn jt is dark, or foggy, or fiormr which muft be exp~tted in the Spring, and tfi fmd l fheets of Ice fwim up and do,vn in 1 Sea, which the Skippers muíl: avoid, lelt th: lofe the~r Ships. lt may leem fomething ftrange~ that they ÍJ fo ofren to the Ice and back again, but rhe is the fame reafon for it as in hnnting aít Deer, if we do not find ~Vh1llu in one phc we mníl feek them in others; for rhe fortu in ketching of Wh,da is Jike the Chanl'.es Gamin~, and there is no greJt underfiandi required to find them : fome fee and carch m than they deftre, and others but at hatf a mil diCbnce from them, fce not one, which is fe common. When they go in amongll the Ice, t Men {bnd ready with great lce-hooks ro kH them ofi~ that the Ship may not nrn agaiii them. The farther you fail into, · and amongft t Ice, the greater lce-fidds you fhall fee, lo th you cannot look o ver them; for abour 1 Welt, as they call ir, are larger Ice-fields to feen th~n about Spilzberge11, quite white ar t Top;- éovered with Snow, fo that there is .