An account of several late voyages and discoveries
The lntroduaion. land, a, 11/fa "1''"' fa111e Northern Iílands, North• afi, and North-Wcft. Tis to he lamented, ·lhat the EnglHh Nation 1,e not fent with their Navigators,fome 14ilfol ainters, Naturalifis, and Mechanifts, ,mder puh– ~ Stipends and Encouragemem a.r the Dutch d French have done, andflill pra{Jice dai!;, m1'c!J their Honour as wellas Advantage. . T/.;e Englifh ve CapacitJ, lnd11flr1 a1Jd '}udgment in t/Jefo Mat– ~1, eq11al tó, ifnot be1ond "thcir "t\ 1 eighho11rJ·, Sint .tcenates. We are apt to im#ate a cerrain Prince everJ thing, cxcept in the moft glorio111 a11d beii art ofhin,, viz. The Encouraging and Reward– ggreat Men in all Profetlions, and the promot~ g Arts ar.d Sciences with hi3 Treafure : A Secret hichfome Mini fiers thin4. 1101 ftt to prallice,·or per– p, "'ª1 be infenfible of, for w,mt of pe11etratio11. ,is mal{_es a great Fig11re Í# the prefent and j,;.ture es, covcrs many Spot, anel Deformities, and.fe • res thc befl Heads, ana Hands to Ca"J 011, """ eél great Defigns. G O N• • XXIX
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