An account of several late voyages and discoveries
40 Tbe Suond P art of dJt.· Foy.:ge Certain information, coriccrniog the ebbin and flowing, is not cafily ~o bt: had, 1 knci no more of it thcn what I have wri ten. C H A P. IU. Of the ICE. I N the Months of April and .. May the w ke breaks, becaufe it lyeth Weftward, wh' drives difperfcd in the Sea, by tbe Hland of 1 Ma1en, and reacheth to Spit~bergcn, where thar time ir was firm fiill, as you may íee in Plate A- marked with e. Thc dífft'rtnce bcrwcen the Ice of Spitz..Leri and tha.t ot' our Coun~ry, is, that ic is not fm , tbere, fo as to ílide upon it. Nt:ithcr is ir fo ckar nor tranfparenr, nor fharp and cuuing, bur a great deal harder, and not eafily broke or fplit; but ir Jooketh Jikefit to rhe Ground Ice of,he R.ivers in our Coumr or like unro Loaf-fugar. Where the Ice is 6xed upon the Sea, you a fnow.white brightnefs in the Skics, 3S if Suri íhined, for the Snow is refteé\:ed by rhe · juft as a Fhe by Night is ; but at a dinar.(e i fec the Air blew or blackifu: Where thcrt is ny ímall Ice-fields, that are as the Meadows ihc Se11lu, you fee no luítre or brightnefs of 1 Sk . ., . ' . . .. 1es.
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