An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitibergen. 35 er, when great Filb come near to the Ship9 grelt numbers, when they Play, Danc~, rowl ut, and leap out of the water, which is not ways playing in them, but rather their Bodies r atRilred with Come pain or orhcr. We faw vera! 1Vhale1 in the Sea, ttiat threw themf;Ives utas if they were Sick, or a Dying. When che Sea is tempefiuous, it is not to be ought that it doth proceed from the Sea on]y, ra hard and tempefluous íl'orm and wind fo]– weth upon ir, that fendeth the Waves like effengers before it, umil it arriverh it íelf with tempel1; but rhis is not to be underfiood of eNurch,íea, but only of the Sea betwixt Hit- d and Spitzbcrge11. _ When the Air is fo difpofed, as the Stars do t only look bigger, but as if they werc more number alfo, it is a great Prognofiication, J often proveth true alfo ; lt is ·a fign that e Air is foil of Mift, which caufeth upon anging of the Frott~ great foggs, and a high 'nd follows foon after. At nighr, w hen the Sea daCheth very much, thines like fire, the Sea-men call it burning : is íhining is a very bright g1ance, like unto e lufrre of a Diamond. ·But when the Sea fhines. vehememly in a dark ghc, and burns; a South or Weft-wind follow– afcer it. At thc fiero of the íhip, were the water is cut rough, ,·ou fee at nighc very deep under warer, bbles rife and break, then this fuinning or nre is noc there. D ·, Hitherto