An account of several late voyages and discoveries
~4 Tl,e Sttottd p,,., of tbe v,,yage Mitin fail, and the third the B,ifan or Mi: fail. In hard fiorms they furl the fore Sail. fail only with the ~Jain-Sail and th~ tiÍiz ~il. . In thc greatefi ílorm of ali, with thefe reefed or h 1lf tied in~ as they call ir, or thc Mizen· fail half furled up; this rhey becaufe the Ship goeth the fiedier by re of the wind, or elfe it would rowJe room up and down in the Sea, and the water w dafh in toomu~h on the fides thereof. One m3n fiands always at the Helm to the Ship, but in hard weather ten men can h ly hold the Helm, wherefore they fafien ít w· a Tackle, and fo let it go too and fro, as Compafs direéts them. . ln and after a fiorm we have ofrent' ftrangers come to vifit us in our Ships, · B/11cl{bird.r, Starlings, and all forrs of fmall Bi that have lofi their way in a O:orm from the la and fly to the Ships to fave themfeh·es, prolong their lives, when others fly about they are fpent, and then fall into the Sea, are d rowned. The LmJJbs, and otherWater-fowJ. come near us ; which I mention on purpofe to e fute the erroneons Opinion of fome, that Iieve that the before·mentioned Birds cow. the Ships as M~ffengers, to bring the ill new! bad weather. Yet notwithíl:andin~, thefe·following Ílgns marks commonly fore,tell a fionn or hard w th
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