An account of several late voyages and discoveries
••• ,xv1J1 The lntro4uaion. 'Ti.rprob4bl~ by Abel Janíen T~fman's 1Va11ig4t~ 0.11, · ,~at N.~w Guinea, Ne\v- .Carpeqtaria, an, :New Holland, are a vaft pro,#gio,u lfland, wlh he µem.s to 'ha-qe encompafs'4 in hiJ Vpyagc,feUin out fr~IJI B,ltavia to Maurice ljli:, E',ifi of Macla, gaf~~r ; frotJJ ,r,hc•cc beari11g an,aJ Soffth to 49 dcg. ofSo~t~ Lat. an4 tben E<ifl ªJtª by North to L~t. 4i 4!'.fi: 44, hffili 11pon thofe new Traa, ofLa~4 c,,lfa V_an Qieqie~·s~ ~11,d aftcrwa.,:d111pon New Z~a]and 1 ta ~~eSouth -EaII "Í New HPll~nd; rel!Jrning t1 ~~~V~~ thro,!gh p_art of the So,,th S~a e whcref11k Difi:ov~r'4 n,e~ ijl411d.1 ) and fo ~orlhlJ?ards ~~iv Guinea t.o tpe Molucco's, ,md Java. .º· JH· C~p~atn vy pod was a 1JJo(i excellent Navi, g~{.: lie, ~ogether with. Sir Cloudfly Shpvel, a_~;pn.~¡an/d Sit: Jobo Narb9rough to Chil, Af ~er,.p_4.,:4s he 'lfJtJ fent b¡ g ~~arles ll. to Dif cover a Nonh- ~~{\ Paffage .to.. ·china d~4 Japan bJ, Nova Zemb.Ia and Tartary ; o/ which .J/m h,iv1 here an Abfir~ét. IV. Fredri~k Marten of Hiamburgh P11blifh'd · hi; Ob[erva,~ia,nf JJ!ade ;,, Greenl;i~d in the High Dutch, a L1111.g11age little underftoood in England. His Voyage bei11g thc la{l a11d be/l wa.1 111.uch de· ¡ fir'd here, it beingfi,ll of Draughts and curio111 Re· marks ; the CopJing and Tra11flati,1g of r,,hich, are perform'd with_ ali poj]ible diligcnce. Thefc four ,11ttk._e 11p the Volume, together with 111any ,ze-;r; Carts and Defigns, dr1twn 11pon the feve· • ral places, which do m11ch i/1,iflrate the Work, and improve both Natural and Mathematical Science. To thefe we tho11ght fil to taci{ a Supplement con· t4ini11gfo111c Obfervalio'11 on Groneland, or En gro• neland,
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