An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzbergen. :2 9 ark every frep with Chalk, onc doth not now how to get down again. When you go p you think it to be very e1fie to be done; ; when you are to defcend, it is very difficult nd dangerous, fo that many have fallen and ft their li \'eS. The R.iver there is called the S01tth Httrbonr, 'r Bay ; and if the Ships fuffer ariy damage at a rhey refit there. · At the entry into the S011th H•hoHr, in tbe alley between the Moumains, is coHelted reat quantities of fre(h Water from the Snow nd Rain, upon the fhoar fiand abundance of ardels or Barreis; we ufed this Water for our 1ltuals, and other occafions : lt is alfo found the Clifts of the ley-bilis on fhoar; bot true rings out of the Oround I never faw in Spitz– ge11. The fhoar therc is not very high, but the ater is deep, there was no Iceat all to be íeen · it, from whence I condnde that it had not o a fevere Winter; for it is impoffible that eke could have been melted in fo íhort a e, not only here, but alío in thc E11,.tijl, Ha– or BaJ, where the Ice fiood firm fiilJ, and rdly lay above half a Fathom under wa- .The Ice doth me)t much fooner in Salt– ter than in frefh R.iver-water, but yet it is poffiblc that fo thick Ice could have meltecl fo lhort a time.. We faw alfo that the Snow lted on the tops of the high Rocks, ancl the ater ran down, although it w~s there nrnch · ... colder
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