An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzbcrgcn. ~ 7 rwith ; on the top thereof are three fmall e Hills covered with Snow, in the Cut C D, marked witb h; two <>Í them fiand to one another. In the middJe of this ur is an líland in the Cut C marked with bich is called the Dead-111a,ú lJl•11d,becaafe bury the dead men there after chis manner; are put into a Coffin, and covered with ~ p of largc frones, and notwithftanding ; .is, rhey are fometimes eaten by the whitc have feen no other fort of Ground but t ftones at Spitzbergen, fo that the froft can.. · penetrate far into fuch Ground. I admi– that the Snow was at :hat time all melted , and iÓ the Cliffs between the great Rocks no more Snow to . be feen, although the were very deep. I fancy that abundancc in had fallen in the Spring, and that the her had been tolerable, or elfo we muft · feen more Snow there. here are alfo more fma11 Iílands here and in rhis Harbour, that have no particular 1es 1 but are called Birds ljJa11d1, becaufe we Jrr th~reupon the Eggs of Mounrain Duck.,1 !Kir111e111111. lhcn you come to Schmere111bHrg, fo named .,e Sch11,er, w hich íignifieth greafe ; therc are i ouíes fianding, formerly bui!t by the where rhey ufed to boil their Train-Oil. • D111ch111e11 once attempted to fiay there all : inter, but thcy ali periíht: In the Cut C · marked with k.: Jt 1