An account of several late voyages and discoveries
26 Tbi SetonJ p11rt of the Yoyage llones and rhe loofe Ice, whercon it is v 1 troublefome to walk. As many as I have fren of rhefe Moum~ are fituated thus ; The higheít are from 1 Forelanel to !he ~fcle-Haven ( or M11,,(,:/e Ra 1: afcer the Forelaná follow the feven Ice Mou whkh are very high Mountains ; and they cal :ed fo from the Ice-Hills that fill op the V Jeys, or )ye between rhe Rocks. Thefe rno tainous 1\ocks are not fo .fbarp or poimed at top as die rwo foremofl Rocks ar the Haven Magdalen are. Then cometh the Havu, the Hamburger,, M11gd.• lc11, the Ent,lifo and JJ 11ifh Harbour, and ar J.ifi' the So11th-H11ven. the ~1agdale11-Ha'Ven the Rocks lye in a rou or femi cirde, at each fide by one anor fiand two high Mountains th.u are hollow wi in, as if ti1ey were dug out: After rhe fofh' of a Breafi-work, wírh poims and crack1 the top, Hke Battlements ; at the bottom wi in che Hill, flands a Snow· hill that doth ra to the very top of rhe Mountain, like a 1 with branches aod twig.; ; the other R.ocks rudely. In this s~"th-Haven the Ships ride at Anc~ becween high Mountains; on the Jeft ai fail into ir, is a Hill called thc Heehive in t Cut l' and D. marked with g; calJed io f irs refemblance of a Beehive: Clofe to it füri large and high Moum, cii!ed the Devil, H commonly covered wich a fogg, and if the wi bloweth over it, it darkneth the Haven, feemeth as if it fmoaked, filling the H~ therew1 1, . . 1
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