An account of several late voyages and discoveries
a~ . n, fi,JI ,,,,, º' the ,., 6Jigt ánd hy wen towards ·the Sea ; then we cha ged our Conrfe Southwards, and fiood Sout eaft. · · On the 29th, .~oth and 31ft we failed Sou e30: and by South al! along·by the Land, t South fide of the Forei,nd was 8 Leagues ~ us, bearing North-eaft, then we failed Sou weft and by South, it was very cold witb North-weft wind. ·Wefaw·daily abundance F;,,jip,e,, but no more Whales. On the 9th of A11g1,fl it was windy all with a gloomy Sun.{bine in the forenoon; cleared up towards noon; the wind w:is Sou eafr, \\;Qen wc took the Meridian heighth rhe San, aud ''were at ·6éS degrees 47minu we faile4 South~wel\ward all along the N thern fhoar of ·the Country. On the 13th, ·being St111ela1 in the momi the wind was North-weft, ftormy, with r and wefi winds. In the nigbt we had \' ctear Moon a~d Star-light. In the morning faw the north~rn part of Hitlaná, we fai Southward ; after the ·R.aio we faw Fttir, ] and fail e~ in betwixt Hitla"d and Fair-lj/e, South.. wéft, and ·afterwards South-weit and South, and tben Southward. On the 10th it waS: fair weather, warm S flline, and fomewhat windy. When the ·began to appear we 'íaw 'Hilgela11á, South•e ward of us, when we failed Somh-eafi ; t we took in a Pilot, on purpofe chofrn by 1tlgifir3tes of u.,,,b,,rgh.
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