An account of several late voyages and discoveries
into Spitzbergen and Greenland. 1 5 On tbe 19th we had warm-Sutiwfhioe 3:nd fai·r ·eather, but in the night fiormy and rain. Oo the 20th fiorms, rain, and a great deal of w the wind South-weft. O~the ~10: rain ali day long. C H A P. 11. f ''" home Yoyage from Spitzbergen to the Elbe. N the 22d day of 1111, in the Morniog~ when the Sun was Northweaíl, wc wayed r Anchors, and failed out of the South-Ha– : we had a fogg ali day long, and Sun– . at night; in the night we faw abundance Fin-Fijher. On the ,.4th it was fo warm with San-fhine, the Tar wherewith tbe Ship was daubed rmelted ; we drove, it being calm, before e Haven or Bay of Magdalen. On the 25th it was cloudy, and Son-Chine, tcold withal ; at night we came to the Forc• s; the night was foggy, the wind South– ft. On the 26th we had the vcry fame weather ldayl the Sun was very low in the night. On the 2 8th we turned from the fide of the 1 orth,Jorela11d towards the we~, when the nwas South· eaft; and we did fail South•weft and
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