An account of several late voyages and discoveries
í ,f The ftrft P "' ' of tbe P'oy11gé On the 14th in the morning we failed m amonglt the Ice, the wind being North-eaft a by ealt; we hada fogg ali that day. with Su fhine, with a l\.ainbow, of two colours, whi and palc yellow, and i~ w-as very cold, and faw the Sun a great deal lower. On the 15th it was windy, cold and fog tbe w hole day; the wind turned North-we and the Ice carne on in abundaace, fo that could hardly fai!, for it was every where fu of fmalJ íheets of Ice. . At this time there we many Ships befet with Ice, in the Deer or A cle-BaJ. W e failed all along near the íboa and at night we entred che S011th-Harbo11r ( ked with e in th~ Cut D) where 18 Ships J at Anchor, 8 whereof were Utmbt1rgcri, 1 reft DHtchnren. FrQm that time, when failed out of the South-Haven, we kept atwa within fight of the Land, and faw. it alw~. except it was foggy ; and fo long t.he Skip fiay by the Ice, to {ee whether there is a more Whales to be had. That nigbt we fetch water from the Land, nrnr the Cook._erJ of H lingen, out of a hole, marked by b in the Piare On the 16th in the morning we faw t Moon, and afterwards it was windy, with bundance of Snow• . On the 18th we had fair weather, with S füine, and we Wcre alfo becalmed that we co nor fail, wherefore we towed with a 13oat i the D,wijb Harbom·, to gather fome Herbs fr the Rocks. In the So111h-Have11 rode 30 Sh at Anchor.
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