An account of several late voyages and discoveries

inlo Spitibcrgen •ntl Orcenland. 13 was foon eafed of bis fright by our Lances. efaw but very few Jf'hti/u more, and·' thofe e did fee were quite wikt; that we could not menear tbem. That night it w~s fo dark d foggy, tbat we could hardly lee the Ships ngth; we might have got Sea-horfe, enough, t we were afraid of loofing our Ships, for e had examples enough of them tbat had Jo(t eir Ships, and could not C"'me to them again, t have been forced to return home in other ips. When after this manner any have lofi: eir Ships, and cannot be feen, they difcharge Cannon from the Ship, or found the Trum- , or Haut-boys, according as tbey are pro- dcd in their Ships, that the Men tbat are loft y 6nd tbeir Sbip again. 0n tbe 13th we had cloudy Sun•íltine, the ind towards night turned to North•eaft and by ft. The Ice carne a floating down apace, we 'led from the South•eaft Land to the wéfr, d we could butjufi get througb by the North efrom the Bettr· HarbOHr or Bay. We failed totbe Rehenfe/1 ( or Detr-Jiéld) where the Ice u already fixed to the Land, fo that wecould t juft get through , we failed further to the ,gt/fa11cft ( Bird1-fo11g) as you may fee-by b in e Plate D. Tben we turncd toward the Eaft 'thaNorth-eaft wind, in companywithtwelve ips more, tofce whether there were any more hales left, witb Georgc and CornelitH Mangel– , and !t'lichael Apple, who failed in four fa– ms water, and touched upon che wreck of Ship that w ,\S lofi there. On