An account of several late voyages and discoveries

ll The ftrft lMt f>f ,be YoJ11g1 the fat of a Wh11le, when the Fifh burft with li great a bounce, as if a Cannon had been di(. charged, and befpatered the W orkmen all over, On the 8th the wind turned North-weft, with foow and rain. We were forced to leave oneo our Anchors, and thank'd God for getting oi from Land, for tbe Ice carne on fierce~y upon ~s; at night the wind was laid, and it was colder, although the Son fhined. On the 9th we got another Male Whalt1; beiog the eighth, which was ydlow underneath the head ; we filled wirh him :>4 Kttrde/1 with fat; the Sun fuined ali night. On the 12th we had gloomy Sun-füine al day. At night we failed with three Boats im r the Ice before the ff'eigatt, anll got three wbi :· Bears, an old one with two young ones, ,he, fwam in the water like Filb. On the Ice la '. abundance of Sea•hor¡;,,, and the further w ' carne i oto the Ice were the more of them we rowed up to them, and when we carne nra · to them we killed ten of them, the refr cam ali about our Boat, :ind beat holes through th _' 6des of tbe Boat, fo th:it we took in abuodanc pf v::tter, we were forced at length to ro ,way from them becaufe of their great num her, for they gathered themfel ves more an, roore together ; they purfued us as long as w could fee them, _,•ery furiouíly. Afterward we met with another very great one. who la in the water farc afleep, but when he felr our ~arpoon within Mm he was very much fright~ 11ed, and ran away before the Boat agaín, where •' h·!