An account of several late voyages and discoveries

i11to Spitibergen 11nd Greenland. ) l night we got the fixth Fiíh, a Male alío> he hcld 49 Kardels of far. On the 3d and 4th day of J111J we faw more tfhalu rhan we did in all our Voyage. On the 5th of JulJ in the forenoon it was bright Sun-lhine, and pretty warm, in the af– ternoon it was foggy, at night Sun-filine again, \Vhich Jafted aJl the night. We hunted all rhat day long, and in the morning we flruck a Whale before the Weigatl ; this Fifb run round about under the water, ~nd fo faflned the Line whereon our Harpopn was about a R.ock, fo that the Harpoon lofi its hold, and that Fifh got· away. This Whale did blow che water fo fierce– Jy, that one might hear it at a Leagues di– france. Thc fame day about noon, rhe wind fouth, and San· lhíne, we got the feventh FiCb, which was a Fem:!f.e, and had 45 K11rdel1 of fat; this we cut alío into the Hold, and fo we fai!ed from Weigatt, a little toward rhe wefr before the Mefcle·Harbo11r, where we dropt our An. chor; we were employed with cutting the ~rea~ fÍeces of fat into leífer pieces, to fill our Kttr· dtli with them; in the mean while the wind tomed to North-weCl: and weft, and the fing1e Anchor was dragg·d by che Ship, fo we drop'd r,:irher, and would havc weigh•d up the for– er, but our Cable broke, the Anchor bcing ílned ro a R.ock. . On the 6th we had rhe fome weather, and grm Sun· fhine all night. Hard by us rode a y1.t11d~r, ~nd the Ships crev, bufo: in cutt.inft t~-~