An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 o Tbe flrft p11rt of ti.Je J"oy.ige her tail over bis back fo vehemently, that he had much ado to recover his breath again. Thofe in the other Boat, to íhew their valour alfo hafren'd to the Fiíh, which overturned thei; Boar, fo that the Harponier was forced to dive for ir, and hide his head uoderneath the water ; the rcft did the fame; they thought it very long before they carne out, for it was cold, fo that they carne quaki·ng to the Ship again. In the fame morning a Whale appeat'd near our Ship befare the wide Harbour, we put out four Boats from our Ship after him, but two HoUand Ships were about h1lf a League from us, one of them fent out a P. towards us; we ufed great diligence a11d care to take him, bat the FHh carne up jufl: befare the D11tch111a11'1 Boat, and was fimck by him with a Harpcon. Thus he took the bread out of our mouths• .- On the 2d of J111J we had Sun-fhine áil day and night long, and ic was pretty warm with· all ; about midnight we went a hunting, and caught the fifth Fifb, who was a Male ; we cut the fat off, and flung it into the Forecafile. This is done when chey are very bufie in í·fh,1/e catching, rhat they may not lofe time, the11 they cut gre1t pieces off of the l'Vhale, that they may have done th: fooner, for ir dorh not harm the fot if it fuould lie fo for forna! pays; nay, fome r~ckor, it to be the betrer for ir, bur that cannot be, for the fat runs away from ít. · · On the 4th we had Slm· fhine ali day and ¡1ight. W e íl'ili were Wha/c-huntincr 1 and that . . ~ n~~
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