An account of several late voyages and discoveries
190 A Voyage for the Difcove~y Milc thcrc runncth down from thc Hills intó thc Sea a fmall Rivllkt of vcry good Water., which is mcltcd from Snow. U pon the Hills wc found abun~ance of Slatc-ft~nc,. which madc it good walkmg ; but at the Sca-itdc, whcrc thc Rivu. lct came down, wc found vcry good bbck Marble, with whitc Vcins in it. Thc Point whcre wc loft our Ship I callcd Point Speedtll: Thc high Hills I calkd Kino Charles's Snow Hills ~ and thc ncxt Point to th~ Southward, which is thc W cftcrmoíl: Point of Nrroa Zembla, I namcd Jamet Forcbr.d, and thc Point to thc Northward, Tork Point. Poim Speedill licth in the Lat. of 74 d. 3 o m. Nonh and in thc Longitude Eaft .fr<?m th~ City of Lo11~ don 63 d. oo 111. The Variat1on of the Compafs is 1 3 a. \Vcft, and it is full Sea at South-\V cft Moon. Thc Tide rifcth 8 Foot, and fcttcth di. reétly upon thc Shorc, which is a ccrtain Sion that thcre is no Paífagc ro thc Northward. Tfie Sea Water, aboutthe Ice and Land, is vcry falt,. and much faltcr than any 1 cver yet taftcd, and a grcat dcal hcavier, and I may ccrtainly fay thc clcarcft in the World ; for I could fce thc Ground very plain in 80 Fathom \Vatcr, which is 480 Foot, thcrc bcing few Stccpks fo high as that was d:!cp, and I could fec the Shclls at thc bottom very plain. . . · If thc Voyagc had foccccded, I fhould, God willing, have given a more full and nicc Acconnr of all the Expcrimencs I had, and fhould luvc madc, cfpecially thofe of the M.1gncr, which l forbcar hcrc to mcntion, bcc~ufc I intcndtd ro · · - pu!>lilh
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