An account of several late voyages and discoveries

A Voyage for the Difcove,y J 89 would find hcre but vcry bad Lodging. Thc Snow licth hcre comrary to what it doth in any othrr Counrry ; for in all orher Climatcs rhe SnoW mcltcth fooneíl: aw.iy near the St:a Side ; but hcre thc Sea beatcth a,gainíl: the Snowy Clifts, which in fome Places are as high as eirher of the Forefands in Kmt: The Sea has wa.füed undcr- 1 n::ath the Snow a prodigious W ay, and thc SnQW over hanging, moíl: fc~rfül to hehold, and up from thc Watcr-fide, upon thc firfr Ridge of Hills, thc Snow was mcltcd till you come to the nl!xt Ridgc, which are Mounta.ins, and they all che w:ty'up are covcrcd wirh S11ow, which I be.. licve hath thcrc cvcr fincc thc Crcation ; but Jfcer we had afccndcd this, which in fome Places was almoíl: Perpendicular, wc camc to the top· of all thc Mountains, as wc füppofed, for we could not fec far ; for wc could hardly fcc one mcothcr, thc Fog was fo thick, and rcmaincd fo· ;ill the time wc wcrc in the Country ; but on the top of thcfo Hills wc found it bare from Snow,.. and indiffercnt good walking. . The bcfr that I found in thc Country wcrc only Bcars. I conti.: nucd on the top of chofe Hills fome two Houn,, aud wcntas far as was convcnicnt, that wc might find the way hlck again. Hcre I found the Track of many large Dcer ; alfo wc found an Horn of Bc:1m of Dccr : Bcfidcs Decr, there b;,: abun– d.mcc of largc whitc Bcars, and fome Fc xes, and alitdc Creacurc much likc a Concy, but not fo: big as a Rat; and fome .fcw littk B:rds like la1ks, and rhc[c b.:: all che lh::.:.!b or Fowls wc found in th~ Cotintrv. e, .,.,.\, ,--. t' "1·~~r of a I .i~ • '- 4 * ' l . ,t. '-'- • Milc