An account of several late voyages and discoveries
of a North,Eüfl Paflage~ 187 Lwd, hut that I kncw was impoffiblc to any M:m; ncií:hcr had wc Provifions, nor Ammuni– tion to dcfcnd \1S from thc ,vnd Bcaíl:s; and if it ' b:id bc:cn paífabk, that is any going 011 the Ground for J3ogs, thatthcy would havc mct with Rivers; th~t thcy knr.w not whithcr to go; fo rhcre bcing no probability of going by Land, nor for ~m y to attcmpt going in thc Ho~tt, with 4 o Mcn ha.ving bccn firft dcíl:roy'd. I willlcavc íc co thc Co)1iidcration of any, whcthcr wc werc not in a vcry mifr1·ablc Condition without Divine Providc:ncc: To writc my Thought I had at that time:, ro favc as many Men as I could, it is not pmincm :~t all to thc Difcourfc, fince it cannot but be imagincd to be Traoical. The W cathcr crJltinued Hill vcry with I;ogs, Snow, Rain, :md Froíl:, till thc 9th Day of our bcing 011 Shore, which was thc Stb Day of July, whcn in the Morning it clcarcd up, and to our grcat Joy, onc . ofthe Saiiors cricdout aSail, which prove4 Ca~– uin Flllwe.r, as rcafonable may be imagincd; fo wc fct fil'c to our Town, that he might fee where wc w.1s, which he prcfcn.tly faw, fo carne to us, and frnt bis Bo~lt to us; ( bur bcfore I wcnt off) J writ a bric:f Rc:btion of thc lntcntion of the Voyage, with. the Accidcnts that had befallen us, and put it into a Gl;tfs Bottlc, and left it in the Fortific:uion I had therc built. So by t,vclvc a Clock we ~11 got fi1fc on Board, but lcfi: all on Shore that wc had faved from thc Ship; for we ¡ntJch foar~d it íhould provc fofgy again. Now
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