An account of several late voyages and discoveries

1 ~6 '.A V~yage for the Difco·very Thc Ship fahourcd, 3ttd bc3t viokntly, hut it blew fo h:ird, and thc Sea ran fo high, thar it was impoffiblc to fave him • fo thc \Vcathcr con. tinuing blowing, with cxt¡-eme Fogs, and with Froft and Snow, and all the ill compaékd Wca. thcr that could be imagined togcrhcr. \Ve built more Tcnts to prefcrvc our fclvcs, and rhc Ship breaking in picccs carne all afhorc to thc Cune Place wh,erc wc landcd, which fcrvcd for íhd tcr and Firing; befidcs thcrc camc to us fome Hog– fheads of Flour, and Brandy good Storc, which was no littlc Comfort in our grcat Ext cmity, Herc we lay betwixt Hope and Dcfpair, hopii10 for fair W cathcr, that Captain l ;lt1,Wcs migl~ find ns~ which was impoffiblc that evcr he íhould do, if it continued foggy ; and fome dcfpairino of his being fafc, but that he might be loíl: a~ well as wc. But foppofing wc ncvcr WJ.S to fcc him again, I was rcfolvcd to t ry thc utmoíl: to favc as m:my as I could in the Long-,Boat; in or– der thcrcunto we raifed her two Foot, and b id a D cck upon her to kccp thc s~a out as nmch as wa:s poffiblc, and with this Boat and 3 o Mcn ( for ihewould carry no more) I intended to Row and Sail to Ru.f!ia; but thc Mcn not bcing farisficd who fhould be thc Mcn, bcga11 to be vcry un~ ruly ín thcir mind and Bchaviour ; cvcry onc having as much rcafon to himfdf as ano– ther, fome holding ~onf ultati on to {bvc th.: Boat, and all to run thc likc Fortun~. But hcrc Dr~ndy was our bcft Fricnd, for it kcpt th~m :i.J. ways fox'd; fo that in all thcir Dcíigns I could prcvc:nt thcm ; fome wc:rc o f thc mind to go hy L !nd,