An account of several late voyages and discoveries
of a North~Eaft Paf{ag¿ 1 S1 ' Mcn, and thcy hcaring us call from aboard; (whcn as then wc could·not f thc Shore) they ,ame on Board and favcd thc ~í.cn , but thc Pin– nace was all broke to picccs, which was no f mall Gricf to us ; fo thc Long-Boat being on Board, and the Sea running proaigious high, thc Boat– fwain, and fome others, would compel me and rbc Lieutcnant to lcave thc Ship, faying that it w,t5 impoffihle for thc Boat to livc any longcr in tlllt Sea, and that thcy had rathcr be dro:wncd chan I ; but dcfirin$ me when I ~ame on Shore .( if ít wcrc potlible ) to fend thc Boat again for chcm; fo l being half way on Shorc, thc Ship ovcr-fct, fo I madc al1 the hafte poffiblc to Land chcm Mcn I had in the Boat; and h.iving fandcd chcm, I wcnt off to the Ship again, to favc thofe poor Mcn that had becn fo kind co me bcforc ; fo with great hazard I got with thc Bo.1t to the ~arccr of thc Ship, and they down the Lidder jnto thc Boat, only one Man w!10 wa~ ' lcfr for dead, which was onc that had becn caíl: away in th~ Pinnace, whofc Namc was Alexan-: _;_·r fi·azor, a very prctty ~aiior: So I r~turned to thc Shorc,and got fate to Land, though vcry wct :md cpld; fo wc haulcd up thc Boat on Shore~ :md wcnt up thc L:md ahou~ a flight fhoot, whcrc our Mcn wcrc making a Firc, anda Tcnt witl1 ~anvas and Oars, which wc had faved for that purpofc; fo wc lay all that Night very coJ¡l, wct .1nd wcary. Thc ncxt Morning thc M:!n th:it re kfc qn Board .rccovc:rcd, ~md got unto thc ~.1izcn-Top; for chat Maíl: wc kfc {b.ndin g whcn 'r7C camc away, thc othcr wc had cut al! down~ . . ';. . Th..~·
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