An account of several late voyages and discoveries

1 S ~ Á P try~(e for the Difco-very all on Shor~, as of n~ccllity thcy muft, if thry hold th~ famc Pr-,portion; and confidcring ·he Shallowncfs ofthc Water, which I found all alon" thc Ice, which, in the mid-way bctwccn thc twg Lands, 1 found to be no more than 70 1:athom was doubti.c(~ a Sign that to thc Northw.1rd ¡; Land, and that thc ... main Body of lec that ly:th cruíkd about thc Shorc, may be z o Lcagu{'.s or n1orc, and chat No't'a Z emb!a and Gree11!an ·Lre ó~ famc Contincnt ; for, if thcrc had bccn ~ny Patfagc, thcre would havc bcc:11 fome CurrLn~, which I could ncvcr, or vcry hardly find to be ~n y, and thc littlc that was run E,dl -fi.mth-eJfi along thc lec, whid_i is nothing clfr but a frna.J Tidc which rifcth íomc 8 foot. Thus thc fr~ having bccn an Obftaclc in our way, ;1s alfo thc ·Ca.ufo of my coming fo far to thc L.-fiward, which befare I nevcr íntcndcd. I will come to thc Misforu.111c that happcn'd to us in thc Lofs of our Ship, which w~ts tbu~ bcing amongft thc Ice thc 2 9th day of ,¡rme in thc Morning~ wc had Hkc to havc bccn encks'J in ir, it proving likcwife foggy W cathcr, I fiood out t0 thc Somhward, thinking to lic thcr.: cil faircr \V c1thcr, or to f pcnd fome time to tl1• Southward, and thc~ co:rn: up to thc lec again to fec if thc;.·c might be any Altcration in it as t its Removal cirher Eaft, \V dl, Nvrth, or Sourb but all th is d,ty it prov'd foggy dirty \V c~the thl.! ,v ind bcing at \Vefi ; fo wc lay South-fouth wdt with thc Stem, and, by our Judgmcnt an 1 Rcckoning, die \Veftcrmofl: Land of Nrn:a Zr, , 1 l·l,, bqr~ from -µs Eaíl:'."Jouih eafi, d1Jt was 4 Poin 1 nnd~