An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a Nortb,Eaft,Ptijfage; 18 r , 3 n, wc mee with a Cape of Ice ; fo whcn wc wcrc about that, wc could fcc no lct: to th ~ Norrhward, fo fi:anding in North-c.1fi, fomctimcs cwo Gbffcs, that is one hour, wc could f cc more 1,c a Hc;id, and the11 wc wcrc forc'd 10 go out die famc way wc c~unc in, ~nd thus I cominu'd coafüng tite lec, fomccimcs with grcat Hopes of Sea, and thcn again dHhcarrcn' d by fcc– ing more Ice; .till at tan I had no Hopes at all, wbich was whcn I faw thc l.and of No--ua Zembla, lnd thc Ice join to it. So hcrc th~ Opinion of Willimn Barrrim was confutcd, and ali thc rcft of thc Dretch Rclations, which, ccnainly, are ali forg'd abufiyc PJ.mphlcts, as alfo thc Rclations of our ow11 Coumrymcn. But cc1·rainly, if Mcn did really conhder the many individual DJngcrs and Mifchicfs that comes upon the broaching of foch U ntrmhs, thcy would ncvcr do íc; for I do now veril y bclicvc, th1t if thcrc he no Land tothe Northward of thc Lar. of So d. that rhe Sea that is thcrc is a.ll frozcn, and always .conrinuct', fo; for I that could gct no farthcr than 76 d. found it fo frozcn without Intermiffi– on; :md fome of the kc that wc faw, that was on thc main ·Body of it, had bccn convey'd I o Degrecs more Southward., would havc takcn fome Ccmurics of to thaw it : For .thc looic Ice that lay ahout thc Edgcs of the main dy, was not more than a Foot thick in fome Picces abovc thc Superficies of thc \Vatcr, ;md he rcíl: of thc Cake that was funk, more han 18 Foot bclow. So I concludc that thofc ·aft Mounuins that wcrc on thc main Bod y wcrc N 3 all