An account of several late voyages and discoveries
180 Now, after the J o u R N A t, I do intend to /hew my Conct•ptions of tbe faid Jloyage, awl a true Relation of · our Mijcurriage; 11 1 ith fome Obfervations made in the faid Viryage. T H E firfi was the folló'W'íng thc Opini– on of UTzlliam Barrdm, t'1a.t was ro ílccr dircél:ly North-E from thc . North Cape, ,u,d to fall m the Mid. vny hctwixt Grcenland and Nr,'T.Ja Zemb!a; fo having m;tdc thc Land to the ,vcfiward of thc Norrh-Capt, thc: 19th day of .1mze, I ftccr'd ~w.1y North-caíl: by Compafs, wT1ich was not fo much by thc true Coufc; bccaufc of thc Variati– on that is thcre \Vcftcrly; and thc z zd day a Noon wc faw thc main Body of Ice, bcing in thc Lat, of 76 d. and about 60 Lcagucs to thc Eaíl:w.1rd ot Grcenland. At rhe firfi fccing o Ice, [ did imagine it had bccn thc lec that join' to Greenland, and that if I wcnt mmc Ea{krl therc might be a free Se~, fo I ran clofc by th Ice, it lyíng away Eaíl:-fouth-eaíl, and \Vcíl north-wdl:, and every Lcaguc, or lcfs, that v ra
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