An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a North-E.aft Pa/fagt. r 79 Ar 5 in the Morning anchor,d upon thc Tidc: of Ebb, two Miles below thc middlc Ground. At Noon wcighed with thc Flood, and rurncd to W indward, thc W ind at \V dl: by South, ac 6 anchored bclow thc Shorc. Wednefday, Auguft 23. The \Vind at Wcfi~ North-wcíl:; at 4 in the ~orning wcigh, d An– chor, and tutncd upa M1lc ábovc thc Buoy of thc Nore, and anchorcd upon the Ebb about 8 3 Clock. At onc a Clock weighcd Anchor, the ,v ind at: Wcíl:-norch... wcfr, w~ turned up thc Rivcr. Now~