An account of several late voyages and discoveries
178 A Jt'oyage for the Difcovery w:ird ; at 2. a Clock F1ambm·ough Hcad \Vcft a. bout 2 Miles. Frida_y,. Aug. 18. Thc \Vind at W cfi-fouth. weft. AfNoon we anchor'd a Lcaguc t~ thc Northward of Cromer, thc Tidc bcing fpcnt. Saturday, Augiift 19. At 6 in thc Mornino wcigh'd with the Tidc, and rnrn'd up rarmoutl Roads, anchor' d rigl.1t againft thc Town; at 8 at Night weigh'd :md turn'd up abovc thc Picr and anchor'd, thc Tide bcing ipcnt; the \Vind at Somh-wcft. Srmd,iy, Augufl 2.0. At cight in the Morning wcigh'd with the Tidc of Flood, and rurn'd to \Vindward; at 4 in thc Aftcrnoon anchor'd with the Tidc of Ebb in Southwole-Bay in 8 F:uho \\Ta ter, thc; Church bcaring North-north-wefi W inds fr.oíu the Somh-fouth-wcft to thc Soutl: fouth-e'áft, a frcfh Gale. Mo'nday, Augrift 2. 1. At 8 at Night weigh' with thc Tide of Floo'd, and turn'd up into Al borougb Road, and anchor'd there : At Four th next Morning Licutenant "'Wbitlock wcnt aího at Alborozegb to take Horfe for London. At 9 in the Morning weigh'd with the Ti of Flood, the \Vind at W eft-fouth-wcfi, a frc Galc, and turn'd up into the Sleeway, anda chor'd there, about 5 in the Evening in 9 f thom ,v ater, thc Nazc Land bearing ,v efi Norrh. · .-fú~(day, Auguft 2 2. At I o a Clock wciph' thc ''-' 1nd at W cft-fomh-wcft, and mrn d ,víndward with thc Flood.
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