An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a North...E1/l Paf{age: 177 Srmday, Augeifl. 1 3. From Jafr Night cight a Clock ro chis day four in the Afcernoon, a grcat Storm of Wind from the \V cfi by South to_rhe Wdl-norch-wdt ; we tryed away undcr a main Slil Rcctr, making h er way. good by Judgmcrit Sourh--caíl: 37 Miles. Latimdc pe,· udgmcnt 5 s d. 16 m, Dcparturc from Catnofe 47 Mílcs Eafr; faw r.iany Pitterals about thc Ship : At Night lefs \Vind• . Monday, Azegufl 14. From thc 1 3th at Nopn 10 this · day Noon, a frc!h G~lle. Courfc pe,· Compafs South ; lar. by a good Obfrrvat1on -56 d. 38 111. fair \Vcathcr. . Tuef day, Augufl i, Frdm thc 1·4rh at Noon ro tllis day Nooi1, little \\Tind from thc ,v eíl:– north-weíl. Courfe per Compafs Sóuth ; Di– ce fail' d by thc l::.og 5 3 Miks ; fair W ca..: er ; at Noon thc \Vind came at South ; wc ood· in for the L:tnd, with two fifhing ulfe~ under Engli.fh Colours, but thcy wetc utcb; at 6 at Night wc got in with thc ~and, ut two Leagues ro thc Northw;.ird of Tin...:. ~utb Cafilc; wc rack'd and fioo~ off, thc ,vind South. Wednefday; Áitgufl 16. Thc ,vind from thc uth to the S0t.1th-fouth-eaíl:. At Noon Tin– utb Caíl:le South-wcfi about z Lcagues off; · ply to thc Somhward~ Tb~e,fday, Auguft 1 7. From thc 16th :it Noon tlus day Noon, thc W ind at ,v cfi-fouth– ell. At Noon much ,vind we rceft our ) ,. ourfrs, and fbnd along rhc Shore to the S0ud1· ., N w.ird;