An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 ¡ 6 A V<?)'~{e for the Dl(co-very Tllft1fday, .llttg. 1 o. from thc 9th at Noo!I to this day Noon, a frdh Galc at North-wdt ' Courfc bctw~cn thc South and E.'lfi-fcn.1th-:,irr to gct clear of thc H1ands in thc Night; Di– fb.ncc failcd by thc Log 102 Miles; tna: Cot:rfo protraél:cd is South-cafi by Eaíl: 1-4 Somh, Di– íl:ancc of Lat. 58 Miles, Dcparrurc 76 Miks: Spokc with thc Ship wi:. faw ydtcrday, bcing a Lyn-man come from thc Hfand. "l'riday, Aregufl 11. From thc r oth at Noon to this tfay Noon, thc ,vind at Nonh-nc: nh. weft. Courfc p<:r Compafs Sot,th-caíl: by Eaíl ¡ Diíl:ancc fail'd by thc Log 83 1'1iks: At Noo 11 thc Iíland Foule borc North-cafi by Eaíl abou; Threc Leagucs off: Thc \Vind came ·abom ;ir South. Satttrday, Azeguft 1 2. From the 11th at Noon to this Day Noon, thc \Vind variable, wic grcat Guíl:s and Rain: At Noon, thc Ock11c Iílands bore W cíl: about 4 Lcagucs ; thc Ockm lfics are low, foch as w;: faw at the famc tim we faw Fair lile, bdng high Land, and abou 6 Lcagucs off : W e found thc Tidc of Flo to fct in vcry ftrong bctween the Ockney :in Fair Iflc:s. At J at Night · camc a fudde'.n firong Gu :ind pnt us undcr a main Sail Rcefr, at wh e time Catnofe borc hy Judgmcnt abom eigl Leagucs off, \V de by Somh ; wc try' d aw: South-caíl, the ,vind at ,vcíl:-Somh--m.:!t, gr~at Storm. t··,,,,. 4.,lJ .... ,
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