An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a Nort/J.. Eaft Paf{age. 17,; ;l1ondtty, Aug. 7. From tbc 6th :tt Noou to r'iis d.1y Noon, the \\7 ind at S. and S. \V. fomc– ó1rs much \V ind, and thcn calm again; true uiurl'i: Jllow\t per Judgment, is \V. N. \V. 1-4 S. 53 Mik~; Dilfc.:n:ncc of Lat. 2z Miles , De– pr:urc \V. 47 Miles; at Nocn thc \Vind l;-0ut to thc \V. N. \V. much \Vind, and at 8 it ~kw :L Storm at N. \V. 1Ítf{ iay Aug. S. From ycíl:crday at Night to 1~jsd.1y Noon, a Storm of Wind at N. \V. we 1 un a.way with our Fore-Sail Reefr. Courfo p Compafs S. S. \V. Diíl:ancc fail'd by the Log 11 6 Miks ; true Coude allow' d is S. Di!b.nce of .Miles, Dcparture \V. 5 Miles. Wédnc(day, .llreg. 9. At 3 in the Morning :1 f.~lh Galc, faw m1ny \Villocks and othcr Sea– Fowls, and ar 5 faw thc Lmd E. S. E. from us, being high Land~ and making lik~ Iílands, be– ing thc !tics of Fero. At Noon, Lat. by a good Oblcrv:1.tion 61 d. 45 m. at which time che We– fiamofi: Iíl..t nd horc E. abom 8 Leagues off. D ifbncc fail.'<l from Ycftcrday Noon to chis rl.iy Noon r 2 o Miles; true Courfc allow'd S. by W . 1-+ \Vcfierly, Difrancc of Lat. II6 Miles, D~pamm: 2 6 Miles; Latimdc per Judgm<:nt 62 d. ·+ m. I?ifbnce betwccn thc dcad Lttimc.k and rhe ohkrv,.::d Lar. 2 o Miks; fo that the Ship is 2 o Miks more Southerly, and confi::qucn– ly more '\'d l:crly; Meridfan Diíbncc 112.? ~lil::s, b11t by Corrcétion 113 6 Miles ; \Ve faw ~ :n'.l ll Vdfd, and g:tv~ chafe to ht r, but füe !li:id:: from us. 7J.wfda;,