An account of several late voyages and discoveries

J 74 A V cryage for the Difcove~y thick Fogs. Courfc per Compafs hctwccn tlie W. by S. and thc W. N. 1V. Diíl:ancc fail' d by thc Log 5 t Miles; true Courfe allow·d is lfl'. by N. Ditfercncc of Lat. 1 2 Miks, DcpartUrr ,. 9 1Vliks, Lar. per Judgmcnt 67 d. 5 o m. bm hv ;t good Obfcrvation Lat. 67 d. 55 m. . it Noon dcar \Vcathcr. Thmfday, Aug. 3. From thc 2d ar Noon to this day Noon. thc ,vind from rhc W. to thc S. S. W. with Fogs and Courfc pe,. Tr.t– veríe, we ply to thc \Vindward; true Courfc protraékd, is S. S.TV . Diíbncc of Lar. ~ 1 .Miles Deparmre 1 o Miles. Ac Night, tn\tch \Vind a~ S. we lay under a main Sail. fj·iday, ¡lug. 4. From 8 at Night to this day Noon, a Storm of \Vind at S. and S· S. u;; true Courfc Drift., and all Impcdimcnts allow'd, is N. W. by N. 1-4. \V. Diffcrcnce of Lit. 1S, Dcparmrc 16 Miles. At Noon, lcfs \Vind, we f et our l:;ore Sail. Satttrday; Aitg. 5. From thc 4th at Noon to this day Noon, thc \Vind from thc \V. by S. to tbe N. \V. a vcry cold Storm; true Courfo al– low'd is S. by E~ Ditfscncc of Lat. 7 5 Miles, Dcparture 15 Miles. In thc Afo:rnoon littlc Wind. Stmday, Aug. 6. From thc 5th at Noon ro this d:1.y Noon, frdh Glks, and iittlc \Vind from the \V. N. \V. to che \V. S. \V. true Courf.: :1!– lo:w'd S. 2-4 E. Di{bncc of Lat. 67 !v1iks, D~~ parturc 8 l\1ilcs. 11 "0 ·,i,:.. JV..ll .•,,.,. ,