An account of several late voyages and discoveries
of a 1' 7 ortb~Eafl Pajfage. 17:J S,ttrff,l,,y, ,;uly 29. Frorn thc''28th at Noon to c: 1 is <by Noon, nrnch \Vind from the S. to the SJ{I. \V e tr ied undcr a Main-Sail duce \V ~t~hcs. True Courfe allow'd is W. r 5 Miks. S1mday, July 3 o. From thc 29th ar Noon to chis d.,y Noon, thc: \Vind variable from S. E. to che S. and fo to thc N. W. with fuddcn Guíls> with much Rain, thcn link \V ind; 1 at S this Morn:ng much ,v ind at N. W. true Courfr pro-. rrad<:d, all Impedimcnts allow'd, is S. S. W. 66 Miles, Di{bncc of Lar. 60 Miks, Dcparture 25 ·. Miles. Monday, .1uly 3 r. From thc 3oth at Noon to chis d.1y Noon, much Wind ar N. W. with Rain. Couri~ p! r Compafs S. W. by S. and S. W. .Di– ftlnc-:.: faii 'd by thc Log 104 Miles; true: Courfc allow'd for Lecward-way and Variation S. by W 1-2 W. Di¡frrencc of Lat. I o, Miles, Dc– pmurc I t Miles; Lat. per dcad Rcckoning 68 d. 1; m. but by Obfcrv.ttion 68 d. oo m. D cpar– mrc accordingly corrcétcd I 5 Miles ; Mcridian Dilhnc ..= 9 53 Miks. Tí,~{d!l' , Aug,~ft t . Prom the 3 xíL.1t Noon to this dJ.y Noon, thc \V ind variable from thc ]\l. 1V. to th:-: S. W. by W. Diíl:ancc fail'd by thc Log So Mik s, wc ply to \ V indward; trúc Courk protric1cd . Varütion and Lec:wa rd-w.1y allow'd, Jh ncc TV. S. lfl'". Diffcrcnc~ of Lat. 7 2 Miles, cp:1rmn: 5 r Miles ; thick cloudy \Vcather, ·ich fome fo.1a.ll Rains and Fogs. Wétln~/d: i_y, Attg. 2. Fr01!1 thc dl: at Noon to :1i) ~by Noon, from. thc S. by W. to thc S. 111= thkk
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