An account of several late voyages and discoveries
, 71 A i.--oyage for tT1e Difcoz,e~y 11 Miles, Lat. per Judgment71. d. 50 m. Mcri. dian Diíl~ncc 63 6 Miles. , T'uefday, July 2 5. From thc 24th at N0on ti> 1 this day Noon, the ,vind vari.lblc., with 1:c'.h Gales from N .. Hy W. to E. with fogs. Courfr bccwecn che TV. S. W. and S.1!7. ; Diíbnc:: fail'd lly rhc Log 88 Miks~ true Couríc ~1llow'<l li,r 9 d. VariJ.tjon is S. TV. 1-2 \Vdkriy, Difhnc: of Lat. 5 + W.iks, Dcpartur~ 69 Miles, L:1t. pcr .Jn?gm<.:nt 71 d. 5 6 m. Mcridfan Diítanc:: ¡ci M1ks. Y/edn~(day, July 26 . from the 2 5t h at N oo, ro chis day Noon, the \V ind VJri~1.blc th: "l[.. by N. to che S. wich chick Fogs. Di:lancc J.lil'd by thc Log 73 Miks; CourkperComPlÍi bct\re: n che S. W. by HJ'". and T,V. N. IV: True Courfc protr.1etcd is W. 1-2 S. difbncc of Lit. 7 Miles, D ~parmrc 67 Miles. T b:o:fela_y, July 27. From che 26th :a Noon t<> this day Noon, che \Vinds from che S. tu thc S. HI'". with grcat Fogs. Diíl:anc~ fail'd by thc Lng 68 Miks; true Cnurfc allow d Tfí. 1-: S. Difi=-.:rcncc of Lar. 7 Miles, D cparmrr 6: Miles W. F rid< :y, J-uly zS. From the 27th .tt Noon t this d.iy" Noon, the \Vind froin thc S. S. iV. t thc S. E . Courfc per Compafs bctwcc:n th~ lf, hy N. and thc S. W. clofc upon a ,vin<l ; D! fianc~ fail' d by thc Log 85 Miles ; rru~ Com'. ¡1rotrlékd is S. JV. by che W. 1-4 80 M1ks, D: ftancc of Lit. 46 Miles S. Deparmrc 64- Mik yr_ Thick Fogs with f mall Rain. S. zt ur:!~-
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