An account of several late voyages and discoveries
of a North-Eaft Pajfore~ 171 S,1t1trday-, 1uly 2 2. From thc 2 ¡{\: at Noon to tlú day 4 in thc Morning, thc ,vind at S. 1-V. by [{( and S. W:. with thick f(?gs. Courfc TV. . bv N. and N. N. W. 46 .Miles, at wbich time it · ,;:,,s rery foggy ,v cathcr; wc faw man y \\' il– J,1cks and otl1<.:r Sca-fowlcs more than ufua], ,:·l1ich mad<; us think wc wcrc ne.u· thc La.nd cf C{:enJ-Hbnd; we c.1íl: thc Lcad, and had 60 Fa- 1hom, a rough Sand; with tlut~ wc tack'd and ftood off S. S. E. and S. E. by E. 9 Miles, tiil t,:0011, at which time wc foundcd, and had 78 r.ahom; Lat. ~tt 4 in thc Morning,by Judgmcnc í+ d. 26 m. lvkric.iün DiíLncc 589 Miks, ac which rime I was, by my Ikckoning, r3 Lc.lguc.s \Vcft from Cben7-Hhnd, accordiug tó the Me– ridi.,n Diíl:ancc I madc from thc Cape to Nü'Va Zc..,iála, and from NO'Va Zc-mbl(I, b~1ck hcrc; Lu. :it Noon, by Judgmcnr, 74 d. 20 m. I\.1cri– Ji.m Diíl:ancc 58z Miles. Srwday, July 23. FroR1 thc 22d J.t Noon to this diy Noon, thc "\V inds v~ri.1bk, w ith grclt Fogs, from thc S. S. E. to thc W. N. lfT. Courfc ¡cr Comp~fs hctwccn thc S. 'HT. and Tfl". Difiaccc fail'd by th<.: Los.! 91 Miles; true Courfc protr.:– <tcd is S. W. by S. 87 Miles Ditfcrcncc: of Lar. 76 Miles,· D cp.trturc 43 Miles, Lar. fff Judg– mrnt 73d. 08,m. Mcridbn Di!bncc 625 fv1ik~; At Noon, no Grou11d with 160 F.1thom Lincs. _M 1 mday, .:f uly 24. from thc 2 3d at Noon to !h1s day 1'00?1, litdc \Vinds ami variable, wirh Calms; true Courfc allow'd, is S. S, 1/T. 3-4 lf/, ;! ~1iks, Diíbncc of Lu. 1 :3 .Miks, Departurc 11 Miks,
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