An account of several late voyages and discoveries
170 Á V<ryage for the Difco'zte~y 18 · Miles, dcparturc 77 Milcs, 1at. pcr J t:t! ~. mene 73 d. 2 8 m. Mcridian diíbnc~ 43 7 I\·1ik; thick foggy ,v c:uhcr. ' Wedn~{day, .1uly 19. from th(! 18th :it 1'\o0.n to this Day Noon, thc ,vind at S. \V. and S.~. ,v. with \'Cry thick Fogs. Courfc po- Comp:.L l,V. N. \V. and "'· clofc h:a1l'd; diíbncc faikc\ hy thc Log 74 Miles, true Comfc, V;:ri;nir,: 1 Qnd Lt'cw~1rd-w.1y allowcd, is "\V. N. ,,,. T-! ~-~. 70 .M. iles, diffcrcnce of Lar. 3 '?. Miks> ,kp:1rttir~ 60 .l'v1iks, Lat. p:r Judgmcm 74 d. 11cridi.:n di– fbncc 4-97 Miles, at Night nmch " \V.i.nd, \\: hand our Top-fails. Tl.ll!r[cltiy, Juzy 2 o. From thc 19th at Noon to this D.~·y 1'0011, for thc mofi pare \\' inds at ,v. S. ,v. ;,rnd :'>· \V. with gn::lt Pogs; W!: pi:: clofc upon a ,vmd N. "\V. by ,v. ~nd W('fi. north-wcft; diíbncc failcd by thc Log 65 Miks; true CourCe, V~iriation and Lcc-way a1low:d, is North-north-wdl: 3-4 \Vcfr, diíbnce of l.:iti. tudc 55 .IVt.iks, dqxirmrc 3 3 Miles, L:uicndr per Jud.gment 71+ d. 55 m. Mc:ridiJn di!l.tnc 53 o Miles. Fridrq, July zo. From thc 2oti1 at Noon to this D;ty Noon, the \\Tind from thc South-·J.:',fi to thc "\V efe. Courfc per Compafs South by Wtfi upón onc Tack, and '\Vcíl:-north-wcíl: on tbc v·' ther, clofc haul~d; difiance failcd by tht: Log61 Miles; true Courfe protraétcd, all Impcdimc:nc· allowcd, is South by \Vdl: 3-4 \V cíl: 48 Miles cli(bnce of Lit. 45 Miles, dcparturc 16 1Víih:s Lat. per T u<lgmcnt 74 d. 1 z m. vcry thick, fns::~ and colct, till about Noon it ckarcd up. S,a ,,,.tf,:.;
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