An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a N<>rtl1- E(IP J> ,iffá.zt ·. • 69 ,\;,,,ml,tv, ~fu/y 15. 1:rom thc 14th at Noon to 1 1; 1 ¡, l}.1y Noon, thc \Vinih frdh .. will1 truíb from t'.1t· N. '.\'. to thc W. wc ply to rhc \Vl:ílwtrtl, 1:·m~ti111•:c; to 1hl.'.<.I; < ftilc ·,l l,y ¡ 1h: 7 o Mi k·c; ; tn u: Cnurf~ protr.. tt<:'1 is~- \".'. , ;; ,!. ·H :r. ditf ..... ,·nr,: o · Ln. 5 ::!. Mill'o;, lkp.1rt11rc \\ :ll 3.i Miks, Lat. J1tr .,udgm1·11t 72 d. •U m. ~t:,iili lll diH.rncc 3 3 J Mi l''i; rol<I .uHI doutly. : S,od,r_Y, 71tlJ 1 (, . From thl' 1 5th at Noon to 1 1 , 1, D.1y Nnon, tl1e \V i1ul ,lt \V. S. \V. anll \V. 1,r\. :t fr,:lh G;ile; hut frorn ~: .tt Ni~;ltt till 8 in 1 !, • \lnrning murh \V ind, w,· l 1y .t try lltHkr .t ~l,:•1:-ttil; tntt· , ;0111'1'~ prou·.,i:ti.:,1 L<.·,~w.1nl-w,ty, ,1,~ 1!\'.;;i,tri1,n .t 1 lov:·~1, i.. N. \,y \V. 1·-~t \V. _{1 1,1:1:~; ,\;!:::n ,. t: pf Lat. 3,, Mik..... <. =·¡Mrturc r~ (l . ~til,:s, l.:r. f'Cr Jud~n,c:nt 73 ti. 13 ,,,. f,lwd1.111 (tiH.,ncc 31~0 Miles; \l.tin, wid, v::ry thid, \\° ,,.\tlh.·r. M111ulr11, <fnly r 7· i=nn1 thc , 6tl1 ;u· Norm to thh D,tr .',oon, link· " ' i111I from th.: \V. bj N. 1u 1h\.' \V. with Rain", Fo.,;\ anti C tlm·i; wc J•lr to thc: \V dl w.1nl cl'>f<: u pon a \V ind , true Courl:: p;·otr.u~t1..·d 1 ~11 lmpcdi,m:nt~ ~1IJ.. w.xl, i-; W. hy S. ; -.i \V. di {l.rnc~ of Lar. 3 1\.1 i ! ·:-;, lk- 1•.trtur¡: z 3 Mi cs 1 Ln. pcrJt1dg111c11t 73 d. 10111. Mcridi;m diíbnc.: ~ 60 Mik,;; a_t , t in th<.: Jlorc– r.0011 rhc: \Vind c.ti11c up at S•.~. E. aml fo~gy. ' 'Tue(tl,ty, :f 11ly 1 8. t=rom thc.: 17th at Nuon to hi~ Day Nnon, th:.: \V inds from thc South to l, \V. S. \V. wc ply ro thc \V cflw.trd clofo .11tl'd, hc:tw~rn tht \V. and N. W. diflancc fail– rl hy thc Log 7:) .Mi!c~; tt u~Courfc protratkcl '\V, by N. 1.···f N. So .'\.1il:.:s, di{bnc:! <Jf Lu. 18 Mil ':s,