An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 f:-8 A Vov,~r:,· for tbt• Di/c<>1Jery tlifl.mcc t9S l\tiks; thick doutly \Vc.·.tt'.tn, an<I Vl'l"Y cnld. ll1t'1for:;!.-1v, .7i(lv , 2. From the , 1 tl1 ;tt N11 ,, to this n.,y N, 1 011, littk "'i11tl ;t1hl ,·.it i.t~lh\ wi.h Calms, {in.di lt1in", and h•gs; ,tiil.ltl((.' 1:ril 11 hy thi: l.ob :.7 l\ti,cs, t,c1w~·t·n che W. hy ~;. •lfül thc \\'. hy S. trnc Cnurk ;tlfowcd, ·,,•it 1 l .t!l l m púti ml'11:·s, i. ..; ~,\'di ; ;lt Nn( 1n l..1 t. hy ( ) ,f:1 _ \".uion 73 d. ·' 'i° m. which is_, . .¡. Mik~: :non· .~nr– ihnly -.·;-qK~túi ~ 1iic \'a.-i.uinn, 1 l'lppnt~-, ,.!me t-i om thc Ltt. wc dq,;trtl·c.l frrnn 011 N ·•1 2::w~l,1; M..·ri ,li.rn t.\ilhm1.:;.· co:Tc..~ti.:d i•, '.:!! Mik-. \V,:11; .lt Nnnn r.tlm ;m&.\ úir \\' c.1~h.:r. '/ b•;r/;{,1_y, .']:,~y 1 3. Fr,lll\ th: 1 :,,. tl, :it 1--inon to tliis l>.iy Noon, th~ \\'incl \'. (r:1111 th._· W. to tlt ..• S. S. \V .• 1 frdh ; w~ ply to th .: \\'dl– w.1:- 1 ,..-iot~· h.rul\l. ~ :ourfr pcr Co:np;,h 1,,·r·..;,,-rn t!h .~- S.\V. ~md thl'\\' ,N.\V. true <>n1:-fr pr0i.1 .h.'kc.l, all [mpec..linll'nts .tllowt:d, is \\'. hy N. 1 - • N. ó9 .Miic,, c.litf..:r,:rn:c of . 17 i\lik\ ,kp1.r.:url' 59 I\liks; Ltt. h.1 73d. 51 m. Mcridhndifb11c\.'279 l\liks: Collldou~ly ,v 1.:.Hh"-r, with Jin;tll ltiin~. F,·id.:y, .7-u(y 14. hom thl' 1 3 ch :u N<-inn to this P-tv Noon, thc \Vinds \\tri.1hlc from thl' S. S. \V: to tht· ,v. N. \V. a frdh C1lc, :mil fomctimc-; link \Vind; wc p!v roche \, i<llll~timcs on onc Tack, :111 ' .>1m:timcs on th1· mhtr; true Courfr rmtr.tc1cd., .dl lmpct.limum allúWcd, is '.V. S. \V. 1-2 S. <.litf.:rcncc of I..:r. 9 l\liks South, ,.kparmrc \V. 20 Miles. J .at. ¡,r Judgin.:nt 73 J. 35 111. tvkridfan c.fübt1Li.: 1,;~ 'J\·li~cs, ·
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