An account of several late voyages and discoveries

7ournal on Board the Prof¡)erous, Captai11 William Flawes Commander., jrom Nova Zembla to England. 1676. _ S Und1ty, .1-uly 9. from thc 8th t 2 at Nighc to this 9th 1 2 ar Noon, thc ,vinds vari..tbk, \ with foo-s and foull Rain ; wc fiand off to · ihc ,v c:ítw.1rl; true Courfc prorralkd, wirh a1- low:mcc for V.triarion, is ,v di: 8 d. Somh, ditft.:– rrncc of L1t. 8 Miles, <.kparmrc 67 Miles, Lu. ¡,.:r Judgmcnt· 73 d. 42 m. Mcridian difbncc, ¡·,om Poinr Statc11, bdng che \V dl:crmoft Lmd otf of No·-va Zembla, and che laíl: Land w.: faw, 67 Miles; vcry cok\ ,v catl1c-r. Monday, .'J-u!y 10. I~rom thc 9th at Noon to rhis Day Noon, thc ,vinds v.tri.tblc fro:n thc S. W. by W. to che W. and fo to thc N . :.1111..t N. N. E. wirh fin:ill Rain, grcar Fogs, and very cold ,v C:t.ther ; tmc Courlc protr.ttted is ,ve(~ 35 Miks, Variation allowcd 12 d. \V dl:; .M.:– ridi1¡1 difümc~ 1 o 2 Miles ; a grcar Se:i from th~ Wdhv1rd. 'Tue(tlay, 'JulJ 11. From che I oth at Noon ro óis D.,y Noon, thc ,vinds v.ui: :thlc from thc N. N. E. to rhc N. Tf-': Courf:: per Comp:tfs 7,f7: by . difb.ncc failcd by thc Log 1 o 2 Miks; true ''.mrfe allowed for Vari:uion, is \Vcíl: 68 3-+ outh; difianc('. of LJ.t. 34 Miles, dcp:1rrnr..: 96 ii!cs, Lat. per Judg~11t:nt 7..; d. 06 111. M 4 diíbncc