An account of several late voyages and discoveries
166 A Voy,1ge for the Difcovery fcw picces of Bccf and Pork, thc Cask hcin~ {hvcd. Thc Gunncr, as he WJS faving of Prm{ fion, tbcrc carne a grcat white Jkar \() hi111 which he thot at, and fdl'd her down, hm íh~ rofc again and at bim; with that thcrc n111~ mor.: Mcn, :md fircd at her; füc was a Vl:ry gn:at onc, ~nd vcry fin, and thc fldh vcry goocl, and look\l ddicuc, and Clt wc:J. Sn:urday, .1uly 8. Thc \V ind at W. 1V. lfT. a v,: ry grcat fog, and all our Mcn in. gn:at D.:– fp:li r of fecing C~puin f1awc.r; we bc.:ginning rn c,...!11id::r our mo ft m iícrablc Ccndition, J1;J c011triv i11:! hcvr to onr Liv,:s, tl:t: L(,lh– br.;1t 110t G:: ing .1bk to c: 1rry abovc 3 o r\L·n, a;,d a n ~·ck hu!lt on her, ~nd her ,van r;iÍi<:l~i \\ith that W I..' condudc:d co kngthcn her r 2 Foot, ~nd t o 1..·an y ~Lil our Mcn; hut upon con{idtr~nic1! of 'Á n::in[; Marcri.ils, and thc Carpcntcrs bad A(. íiH::·ic.~, thc Mcn wm.lld not :igrec to ba\"C lm n1t afondc.:r, fr>r fr::r füc could not be kngth·:n. cd, but were willing tO travd hy Lmd tov:ar<lsd1: "':::yg.1cc.:s, in hopl':; ro i1nd fome 1-~nffia Lod~c~. "\\' ith thar wc bcgan to raifr hrr \Vaft, ami build ~ D.:ck, tb : \ \' ,_ : .JH:r t.01r~iirningvcry fog.gytill S.;:;mfay Tvíorning, ~t which time wc di)yc~ C1ptain f1awc.r, to our grcac Joy ; wid1 th:it ,~e madc prcfrntly a grc:at Firc, :md frnt our Yaul to mcct him, who immcdi.itely faw ou.r Firc:, an íkcrcrl into us, ~md fcnt his Boat to hdp to brin off our Mcn ; with that wc brokc up our ne ,vork, ·whid1 w ,1s done to cur Lom:.-~oar, :?n fanchl'd b;;:r; ::ind abouc Noon got in 011 B Oi!: CJpt~m Vhrwei , in good Hc;..lth. ·
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