An account of several late voyages and discoveries

Dj .. a North..Eafl,P,zj{age. J 6; ccffarics, upon a Hill, whcrc camc to \'ifü us cm::: of thc N.itivcs, which w.ts .1 prodigious gr::t whitc Bcar, w:1ich om:of our Mcn fhot ~1r,anc.l.:s wc fuppofcd hitbcr, which madc her run aw.1y ; with thlt wc n1.1dc :1ll haílc to build us a Tcntto kccp us from th.: Cold, :ind to kccp our Prov_i– lious dry, h:1vlng faved C:mvas for thc purpok, wbid1 wc bid ovcr Oars :md Spars, and thl'<:W up a :f rcnch of Earth round us, to prcfon•,: 1~ s from wild Fc .1.íl :s; but ali this time cndun:cl mu.:h Cold, mofi of our ~ten bdng "..,et, and ha\'i!13 no Firing; ther~fore .tll our Hopes and Pray,..:rs "tcrc, that God wonlci fcnd us thc Ship dhor-::. Friday, .1m1e 3o. A frcfu Galc, and vcry foggy, with a great S-:::1; our Ship bcgan to fplit, ilnd much ,v rcck camc afliorc ; fo th,lt wc got Oars, Spars and Dea'is, to build us Tenes, and Firing, of which wc fav~d :1.s much as wc could ; but thc Weathcr provcd vcry foggy to our grcat Grkf, bdng wc could not cxpcét C;ipt. flawes as lon:; as thc Fog continucd. Th:: \Vind ::tt H?". N. 'lf~ · ' Satrtrday, July 1. Thc \Vind at N. TY. .i frdh Galc, thc Ship brlkc in picc::s; fo th:t.t wc ha<.l nmch \Vrcck c:ime afho1·c, and Provifions, wbich we cmb1vourcd to fave wirh much Pa:ns :rnd Trou!-,lc, thc s~a brcakin(T much on rhc Shorc·, and thc \V cath ::r Ycry cold and foggy. ,ve fav-. d two C:1sks of Flour, fome Brandy, and a Hmt of Bcer, ~nc.l a Cask cf Oil; thc l~lour did 1.s grc~u kindm:fs to favc our Bread, for we nud: of the Plour, Panc,tkcs, and Pudding, :md b.ik1:d ,CJ.k,~s <)11 Sto'.l~s, to our grca~ Rdi·dhmcnt. Srmdrty, Ju!y ~. Thc \~'ind at \Ven, and \'cry foggy; wc favcd more 1:1our, Hum.:r, atd ::. ~1 3 tc.v