An account of several late voyages and discoveries

1 l: ~ A 'Jloyage f or the Difcorz.'ery Guns, to givc Capuin FlaweJ noticc of our Di– íhefs ; wc ufcd all m-.·ans poffiblc to gc:t her o~ by Clrrying out a l·faffc..·r .tnd Anchor, and {hvino of \Vater and Bcc:r, :md throwing Provi!ion ovcr~ board, hut cmJd not gc.:t thc Ship off, for thc \Vatcr did Ebb, :md rhc Ship ft1~d abovc 3 Foot ; ~ut whr:n thc flood c:unc, it brought a grcat Sel ,viJ.h it, and thc Slup b.:at vtry hard; wc ufed all mcans to hcavc hu- oft: bm could not, and thc Ship making '\Vatá more than wc could pump ; with that wc cm our Maíl:s by the Board, and frnt our Y.mi unto thc Shon.: to difcover fome Place to Land, .u whoCc Rcturn aboard, brought word thcrc was fanding; with th:u wc got up Br~.H.1 out of thc Bread-Room, and hrougli't it up into thc grcat Cabbin ; and thc C.irpcntcr madc rcady to fome Tools, and Nccc.ífarics to rcbuild our Long-Bo:tt to favc our Livcs, if fo ncccffitatcd, chat C :tptain F1awer füould not rcturn to us. So abom: 1 z at Noon w..: got ali our Mcn afhorc, cxccpt two which ,,,.~re drown~d in thc Pinnacc, by a Se~t which brokc into her, juíl: as íhc pm off from rhc Ship Sidc:; having Bread, Powdcr, and Pro\'ifions i11 her, and all loíl: wich che Pinn;1cc. Alfo, to O'..'.r grcat Gricr: having nothing bue thc Lonf– P,oac, to truíl: in, to favc our Livcs, which could not c;irry abovc 3o Mcn of 70. ,ve uf::d ~ll mea ns to favc Brc~1d, but thc Shíp filling t!p ro tbt upp~r Deck, wc wcrc fo.rccd to ieavc her, ha\'in~ f.lvcd b~1t rwo Bags of Brc:1d, with fome Picm of Pork, and a. littlc Chccfc; chis bdng all en Slwrc, wc carricd our Provifions, and othcr Nt· · · · cdfarit~