An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a North-Eaft Pa/{age. 16~ P.trt Cllm from thc N. to thc W. true Courfo protr,ld:cd W. N. T!.?. I o Miles, Lat. f l!r J\\d5- incnt 74 d. 46 m. Meridi.m diíbncc 970 Miks. In thc Afi:crno:")n íl:ood in clofo wich the Ice, and · found ir rn joyn to rhe main Laud; at Nisht nood off from rhc Ice. 1bttr(d,1_y, ,71me 1,9. From thc 28th at Noon tothis D;iy Noon, little \Vind, wich lbins; wc ílood aw.1y fi:om rhc Ice to fcc; true Courfe al– ]owcd is Sourh 2 7 d. ,v 1:.íl: 2 o Miles, ditfo.!rence ot' Lat. 1 6 Miks, dcplrture 8 11iks, Lar. per Judgmcnt 74 d. 40 111. Meridi:rn difiance 964 ~Hes. At Noon rhc \VinJ at \Veíl:, ~md U/'". and by S. a fine Gale, but very foggy \V cathcr ; wc ftmd away Sourh to get from the Ice we being in,11yed in it. At 11 at Night thc Pro&erom Pink fircda Gun, and bore clown upon us, cry in(• our, Iccon the \Veathcr-Bow, with that wc clap'd theHdm ha1·d a \Veather, vecred out the Main– to w.tre thc Ship; but b~forc rhe Ship could w,ue, and bring to upon the other Tack, efinKk on a Ledge of Rocks which lay funk. from t 2 at Noo11 to I r a Night thick fogJ~l rcad1er, the \Vind from the N. W. to the #IJ'. y S. Courf e pcr Compafs benvecn the S. fV. ,md 1e S. by TV. clofe hanl'd; but at Night the Pr,;,.- tr ero:u Pink faw the Sea brcik on the \Ve;1cher– w, bcaring down upon us, cryed out it was e Ice; with that we prcf cntly Gore up round bring to upon thc other Tack, but our Ship t wcaring round, run on a Ledge of Rocks, ~o ~re ítuck faíl:; but Captain Flawes Ship got ar, wc.tring more rounder; · we fired fcver.11 P. M 1 Guns,