An account of several late voyages and discoveries
of a North-E,~ft P,1/fag~.' , 6 1 At Noon wc foundcd, and 128 Fathom \Cttcr, and thc Currem as Yrfi~nfav S. S. E. ' This l.tíl: 2 4 fJours fair \Vc.a!1cr~with iittÍ1.: \V inds, hl\'ing fome Ílnall Fogs, bm fa{kd not abovt: half ;:!l Honr :it a time. Mcridia n difl:ancc 8 58 Miles. &mday, ."Jim: 2 5. From the 24th at No:m to :hi, D.~y Noon, littlc \Vind, with C:dms, and titemoíl part foggy, .fo that wc duríl: not Vt'nture ind1c Ice, but l.1y by, :tnd fl:ood off; t rue Courfe rrotr;,[tcd is Eaíl: 3 o d. Somh difforcnce of Lat. 13 Miles, South departure Eaíl: 19 Miles, Lat.,. ¡:·rJudgmcnt 7 4 d. 37 m. t·, k ridfan difümce 877 Miks, E1H ,vind vaúd.1lc from thc N. f!/. to die w: S.1V. A~ On~ in thc Aftcrnoon thc Fog broke up; hlid frcczing \V eathcr, our Rigging and Sails frozcn; for as fafl: as thc Fog fi:ll it frcezed. Monday, :1mte z,6. from the 2 5th at Ncon to this DJy Noon, littlc \Vind from the N. W. to 1, Courfo per Compafa hctw,::en the W. S. W. nd rhc N. E. difiance failcd by the Log 63, tiks, diffcrcncc of Lar. 7 Miles North, dcpar- rc Eafl: 58 Miles; true Courfc protratted is 1 ft 7 d. North Lar. per J udgment is 7 4 d. 40111. kridi:tn difb.ncc 9 3 5 Miles. At Noon wc fiood in clofc with the Ice, and w fomcthing ro move, wc judging ic might be a-Horfcs, or MorLs, lying on the Ice:, wc frnt ur Boat to f ce, .1nd thcy found rwo Se:i-Horfos pon thc Ice; th;;y fircd ievcral Shot 3.t them, but uld not kili thcm: Notwichfl:anding that thty ere much woundcd, thcy í!Ot into the \V.m:r, d fo wtnt undcr the le!:. 0 \Ve havc found the . M kc
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