An account of several late voyages and discoveries

160 A Voyaie for the Difco-vcry 41 m. differencc ofL;u. 19. m. dcparmrc 74 ·MHcs. Mcridian difhmcc 8 2 4 Miles, \Vind N. N. Tf7". ' At Noon y¡e founded, and had 1; 8 F.:tthoni foft grc:cn Oar; an_d fo_und !he Currcnr to fct S. S. E. we have tound vcry {11100th ro Lceward of this Ice, and in fom.e .Places found Piccci of thc Ice driving off ~ Mile, fomctimcs more , or lcfs fron1 thc main Body <;>f thc Ice, findinu . ~t to be in fcvcral fir.urgc Shapcs, rcÍcmblin~– Trccs, Beaíl:s, Fiíhes, Fowls, <;7·c:. ·tlic nui~ Body of thc Ice being low, but vcry crag!W bcing mány Pkces lying cloíe togcthcr, and i'u'rn~ ~ top of c.. 1ch othcr; and in fome P!accs wr.:. favi J,igh Hillocks of bluc Colour; but all the ot thc Ice vcry whire, as though ir wc.:rc Snow. In fome Places wc faw drifr \Vood amongíl: thc Ice. wc took up fome of thc.: Ice, and n1c::ltc:d ir, arnl thc \Vatcr vcry frcfh and good: This Day we found vcry cold and frcczing. Satürday, J1me z4. From Ycfi:crday N0on ro this Day Noon, litt'.c Wind at JY. by W. we ficercd clofc alorig thc Ice, fail_in~ int? cvc~y Opcning, but could not 6nd any l~aflagc tnrongh, ncithcr could wc fec ovcr thc ~ce in any Pbce from our Topmaft-Hcad; true Courfr protrJ[t 7 cd, ~s we failcd a.long thc kc, is Eaíl: 3+d. Somh difference of Lar. :.4 Miics S. dcp:murc Eaft 34 Miles, Lat. per J udgm~nt 75 d. 18 11!, bnt by a good Obfervatioú at Noon, thc Lit. 74. d. 5 o m. thc diff~rcnc(: hctwccn thc Dt;iJ L :1t. and thc obfervcd Lat. is z 8 Miles, whid1 <lifrcrcnc.e hath bctn caufrd by rhc Cuncnt frt. ting S. S. E._ - A