An account of several late voyages and discoveries

{)fa Nortb.-Eaft Pa.f{ag¿ 159 ptr Judgmcnt 71. d. 51 m. Meridian diftance 585 Miles. From Yefterd.1y Noon to this Day Noon>' the firft I z Hours a frefh Gale at S. W. but the }aft 12 Hours much \Vind, with fmall Rains and (7reat Fogs; faw many Sea Fowls. ~ llíednifday, June 21 .. From thc 20th to the 2 ríl at Noon.2 a ftiff Gale with Gufis, and finall i Rains. Courle per Compafs N. E. diftancc fair d per Log .3 5 Miles 1 . true C~mrfe allowed by Va– riation, 1s N. 40 d. Eaíl: d1ifcrcnce of Lat. I 03: Miles, departure Eaft 86 Miles, Lat. pe1· Judg– ment 74 d. 34 m. Mcridian diíbnce 671 Miles; thick cloudy ,v cather, f1.w nuny Sea Fowls. '[hmfday, J1me 22. from thc21ft tothc 22d ar Noon, Courfr per Compafs N. E. difrancc failcd per Log 1 16 Miles, true Courfc allowed by Variation, and Leeward way> is Norrh 43 d. Eaft diffcrence of Lat. 85 Miks, dcparture Eaft ?9 Miles, Lat. per J\1dgmcnt 7 5 d. 5 9 111. Me– ridian diftancc 75o Miles Eaft ; thc \Vind at N. W. a frdh Gale, ,v cather variable, fome... times cloudy, and fometimes , hut vtry cold. At Noon wc faw Ice right a Hcad about ar r l.eague off, we failed clofo to ir; and fcmnd it to lie away E. S. E. and W. N. W. we borc away E. S. E. along thc Ice: In the Aftcrnoo11 re had fome f mall Snow, and very cold \V cathcr•. Friday, ;:fzmc 2 3. From Ydl:erday Noon to düs Da.y Noon wc fleercd along the Ice, finding it to havc many Opcnings, which wc failed in-~ 10 1 but found thcm to be Bays; our true Courfc 1c ~iled along the Ice, thc Varfation allowcd, WJS .at Eaft 1 + d. South 77 m. Lar. ¡,ir J udg:11cm 75 d. pe 41 m.