An account of several late voyages and discoveries
J 58 A V~age for the Dlfcovery 7 J. Mcridian diftance correél:cd, is 3oo Miles, faír \Veather. 1 Smiday, Jrene 18. From the 17th at N~on to this Day Noon, thc \V}nd. from W. N. W. to the W. S. W. fair Weather. Courfc per Com. pafs N. E. by E. diílance failcd by thc Log 3 3 Miles ; true Courfc protraétcd, and Variation allowed, is Eaíl: 33 d. North, differcncc of Lar. 47 Miles, by good Obforv.uion, depart.urc 66 Miles, Lat. by a good Obfcrvation 70 d. 3 o m. Meridian diftance 3 67 Miles Eaft~ Y cfterday and this Day we faw many \Vh:1lcs. Momltiy, Jime 19. From the 18tp. at Noonto tbis Day Noon, a frcfü Galc at W. by S. thick hafcy \Veather wid1 Rains; at feven a Clock in thc Forcnoon faw many Sea Fowls, more than at any time yct, with many Jubarteffes; at ten a Clock faw thc Land, bciüg die Iilands that lie about 2 o Lc.igues to thc Weftward of thc Nortb Cape ; true Courfc allowcd for Variation is N. N. E. difh~nce failed by thc Log 13 s Miles, dif– fi.:rencc of Lar. 5o Miles, departurc Eafi: 3o Miles, Lar. per Judgment71 d. 20 m. Mericlian diftancc 497 Miles. At Noon the Iíland Sande11· borc S. by E. about 8 or 9 Leagues off this Hland is a high cr.iggy Land, with fome Sno on thc La.nd. Ttec(day, :June 20. Fromthe 19th arNoont this Day Noon, . Courte per Comp;ifs bttwee thc E. N. E. and thc N. E. difiance failed b the Log 1 2 8 Miles, true Courfe a.llowed fo che Varia.tion, is North 43 d. Eaft diffrrenc of La.t. 91 Miles, deparmrc 88 Miles Eaíl 1 pe
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