An account of several late voyages and discoveries
of a North.,JI.~ft Paffag¿. l 51 Jmpcdimcnts. allowed, is North· 1 8 d. ~ifference of Lat. 81 Miles, deparcure Eafi 3 o Miles, Mc– ridiJn diíhmcc 124 1v1iles. 'lhmfd,,y, Jttne 15. From the 14th at Noon tothis Da.y Noon ~he \Vindsvariable,with. Calms from thc W. to che S. W:. _Courfe per Compais }J. N. E.· difiance foikd by the Log 67 Miles; uue Courf<; prorraél:cd, with ~llowance, is N. n 1-2 d. E. ditfercnce· of Lat. 62 Miles, dc– p:iriurc Eafi 26 Miles, Lar. per Judgment 66 d•. 16111. Mcridian difrance 1 50 Miles E~ft. A<: ~oon broke our Main Topfail-- Yard,, being, rottcn in the Slings; thick hafey Weathcr. Fridt1;y,- Jrme 16•. From the 1nh at ~oon ta this Day: Noon, a freíh Gale at W. N. W. and- 1-V. S. fV. with Rains and thick W ea.ther.· Coude pcr Compafs N. N. E. and N. E. by N. di~ francc failed per Log 1 2 6 Miles ;- true Courfe . protralkd, · is North 3e d. Eait, differcnce of Lit, 108 Miles; departure Eaíl 63 Miles, Lat. w Judgmcnt 68 d.. 14. m.. Mcridian diftance ·u, Miles. Saturday, Jmze 17. From the I'6th at Noon t.othis Day Noon, a frcih Gale at W. N. W. and W. wirh lttin and cloudy \Vcathcr. Courf e( per Compaís _1\[. E. di!hncc failed by the Log 127 Mik:s, diffi::·cnr.c of L:u. 9 o Miles, deoarmi:c Eire 90 Mik-;, Lat. per J!1dgmcnt 69 .d." 48 m. Mcridian difbncc 3 03 Miles, but by a. good Obfrrvation at Noon L~t. 69 d. 53 m. ditfercncc ot' Lat. betWl.!cn th~ Deacl P cckoning and Ob– t:ri'.ltion, is 9 Miks; which imputed to a \Vc– crly v;.1na;ion> which is found by an Azimut!~. 7 d.
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