An account of several late voyages and discoveries

·.156 A Vtryage for the Difcovery ·wc took in a Pilot, and failcd om through the North End of Bmce Sound., luving thrcc 1:a. ;bom W at<.:.r ovcr che füallowc:ft f' lace. Stmday, Junc 11. At four in thc Morning Srn!i 'horc W. by N. about fix Leagucs; a frdi1 Gale ~t S. W. hafey Wcath(:r. From four in thc Mc.!'ning till twdvc ~t Nigb (:<_>urfc N. N. E. diíl:ancc faik? by thc Log'· 3 5 Miles: True Courfe allowed from rhc h-~~i:-i!1 , :of rhc Land is N. E. 41 Miles, diffcrcncc ~~f L.} ·30 Miles, Lat. by Judgmcnt 61 d. ~6 1.,t. i\1eri– dia11 diíbace from S~•et/m;d ·: o !v1iks E; From Ycfiaday N oon t</ this Day N c:cn, a ftrong Galc ~ t S. W. \VcH- S. W. ,v dt and W: N. W. Courfe pcr Comp:ifo N. N. E. di– ftance failed by the Log. 1 .¡. 7 Miles, diif..:n:nce of Lat. 1 35 Miles, deparrurc Eafi 5 6 Mi :es, Lar. by Judgmcnt 63 d. 4z m. Mcridi~n .', E. 86 Milc~; thick doudy \Vcathcr~ at Noon link lVind. Tuefday, .1u_ne 13. F!"om Ydlercby Noon to this Day littfe \Vind, and variabl.:, with C:1lms from thc N. W. to N. N. E. wc ply to \Vind– ~ard. True Courfc prot1 .lékd, all Impcdim:.:ms allowcd, is N. N. E. 2 3 Miles, diifrrence of Lat. z 1 Miles North, dcparmrc Eaft 8 Mib, LJt. by Judgment 64 d. 03 m. Mcri<li.m difbnc~ 94 Miles, Lat. ~ a good Obfervation 64 d. 03 m. · Wednr..fday, :]une 14. From thc q th at Noon ~o th1s Day Noon thc ,vinds variabk, wich fr::!h ~ales, Rains, and little \Vinds. Courfr p ?r Tr.1 vcrfc bctWcen theN.E. and thc N. di{bm:c: CtiL by tht Log 9 2 Miles, true Courfe pro~r.¡ctc:d, :1~ ' Impcdt