An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a North, Eaft Paf{age. I 5; thc L~ 1 1 17 Miles, but by a good Obfervation 12 0 Miles, Lat. 58 d. 41 m. Winds from thc 111. S. W. to the S. W. . At two a Cloclc a grcat guíl of ·,vind at N. W. with Rain; we hand our Top-fails, and at duce it blcw a Storm of Wind .; wc lay a Try undcr a Mlin, till. tcp a Clock, thcn fcnt our Fwc– fail. Satttrday, June 3. From Ycfrcrday Noon to this Day Noon, trueCourfe protrafted Lccward way, and all Impcdimcnts aJlowcd, is Nonh 1-2 E:ift 41. Miles, Lar. by a good Obfrrvation is 59 d. 2 3 111. Mcridian clifiance from thc Naze Lmd is 1 oo Miles,; at Noon faw a fmall liland, clllcd Fori!!_!ying to thc South of Shetland, bcar... ing TY. N. W. about four Lcagucs ; in thc Afi:cr ~ noon little ·wind. Note, that wc found thc Ship more to thc \Veftward tµan expeéted, bcing caufcd by a va– riltion of 6 or 7 d. E. Sunday, June 4. This Forcnoon little Wind, with Calms till about 1_2 at Noon, at which time fprung up a Galc W. N. W. blowing vcry hard, we ply to Windward, and turned into Brace– Sound, and ancho red in nine Fathom Water, right againíl thc T own callcd Lerwick ; here is che Remains of a Fort that was built in thc time 1 ofWar wich Holland, bue UEon the Peacc with ~ thc Hollander¡ it was demoli!hed, for fear any othcr Natiop might ~omc and takc it, aad Lo ti kccp it. Saturday, ']une 1 o. Rid ftill till Saturday fcven 'Y ~ Clock, at whi~h time wcighed, thc ~Y.ind S. W. r · we