An account of several late voyages and discoveries

154 Á Voyage for the DiflO'lle~y Miles, dcparturc \Veft 45 Miles, Lat. per Judg– rnent; M<·ridian dilbncc \V dr ·nine Miles. 'Hléd.·,~(day, May 3 1. From Ycftcrday Noon to this Da.y Noon, thc Winds variable wich Calnlli and Rains. Courfes per Travcrfc; true Courli: protr.1.ded, with ali lmpcdiments allowc:d is North 43 d. \Veft 60 Miles, ditforencc of 'tac. 42 Miles, departurc \Vcft 40 Miles, Lar. pa Judgmcnt 54 d. 1 3 m. Lat. by a good Obferv.1. tion at Noon 55 d. 3 o m. at whicl~ time, clic Land betwccn New-Caflle and Ber·wzck borc: TV. about 8 or 9 Lcagues: Meridian diftancc Ct:r. rent from the bearing of the Lind, and thc Lac. is 88 Miles, 50 Fathom Water; faw two Ship~ fhnding to thc Somhward, but would not ihow their Colours. 71..,mfdav, .1-rmc 1. From Ydl:erday Noon to this Dly Noon, .1 frclli Galc from thc W. by s: to the S. W. Conde pcr Comp.ifs bctwccn the N. and tlilc N. W. diíl:ancc faikd by the Log 76 f\1iks, true Courfc protradcd is N. 16 d. Wdt Lat. by J. good Obfcrvacion 5 6 d. 41 111. dcpar. ;urc \Vdl: 2 1 M ilcs. Ar nine in the Morning we g Ch.1fc coa Scotcb FHherman, and at Noon camc up with )lcr, and bou~hí: fome Fifh of him; at Noon a hard Gale ftccred awa y Nonh, bcing about fcvcn or eight Leagues from thc Land, bctwt:cn Montrofs and Edenbur,l!,h : \Ve Hccrcd along thc Courfe N. by E. till cight a Clock. 1 Fnday, Jtme 2. rrom Ydkrday Noon lo chis Day Noon, the \Viuds variable with fair "\\';:·. thcr. Courfe pe1· Compa.fs N. dift.mce faikd h. ~ th~