An account of several late voyages and discoveries
, 5 ~ A Voyage f or tbe D~(cO'Very pro\•iíion for fo long time; bcfides thc ccrtain Difcafcs that are in~idcnt to Ships, that havc many ~e~ in hQt \Veachcr, rendcrs i! impra– lticablc : Thcfc and many 9thcr Rcaions I u– fcd, would be tqo tcdious to.rclatt·, thcy bcing·as yct freíh i11 thc Mcmory of mofi 1túld thcm to. · Now, aftcr ;ill t}Jcfc Argiimcnts and Rcafons thc Time of thc Yc.:ar growing on for us to b~ gon~, we·~1adc,our Ships rcady fot: the Sea, bc– ing a~ wcll ~ttcd for a Difcovcry as cvcr :iny Ship~ wcrc ~ havi~g Qn board ca~h Sh~p fixtecn Montl~s ~rovifton of all forts, wirh Sixty cight Mcn a!}d Eoy~ in thc Speedwcl, a114 ciglucen Mcq !? die f rofperoyr ! ·
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